Becoming an umpire

Who can umpire?
Anyone aged 14 or older with an understanding of the rules and a passionate for the game.

What’s involved?
When beginning your umpiring journey with St Gerards Netball at ERNA, you must undertake a UDP course which spans across a 6-week period. Prior to the 6-week period, umpires must sit the Netball NSW umpire accreditation exam. You must score 70% or above to be eligible for the UDP program.

What’s next?
Go to MyNetball account to sit the Rules of Netball Theory Examination & Foundation Umpire Course.

MyNetball account can be accessed here
Rules of Netball can be accessed here

Umpiring Resources

Here are some useful links from netball NSW to help you on your journey. Whether that is as a coach or player to understand the game more, or on your journey as an umpire with St Gerards Netball Club.

Mentoring Programme

Every new umpires journey starts under the mentoring of an experienced umpire.

If you would like to be part of this rewarding experience and watching a developing umpire grow and receive their badging, please contact us on the link below:

I’d like to be a mentor